The main development tool is Borland C ++ Builder and the thinking of program is Modularization etc.
互联网CAMCTO is a rapid application development tool for engineering.
CAMCTO是 一款适用于工程学的高速应用软件开发工具.
互联网According to this principle, you need to design tool of different development tool, hardware, government.
根据这个原则, 你需要设计不同的开发工具 、 硬件 、 管理工具.
互联网The host computer software is developed by VC ++ 6.0 development tool using multithread technologies 、 Windows Driver Module.
互联网This paper describes several key technologys including PCI bus, MIL - STD - 1553 B, PLD and development tool.
然后详细介绍了这些关键技术,包括:PCI局部总线技术 、 1553B航空通讯总线技术 、 可编程逻辑器件和开发工具的使用.
互联网A software development tool and reports execution statistics for your programs.
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